Thursday, November 12, 2009


This post isn't about living in's about living...and dying...and living.

Last week a friend from high school and college died unexpectedly. A woman in her 40s, a teacher, a well-loved person who touched many lives. Almost 9 years ago my sister-in-law died after battling brain cancer. A woman in her 30s, a teacher, a well-loved person who touched many lives, a mother of two young children. A year ago this week my father-in-law died of the same (not very common) brain cancer. A friend's friend died unexpectedly last week. A friend's neighbors' lives were taken unexpectedly last week, too.

I can't help but continue to ask myself. Can life really be so fragile? So brief? If death can come at any time, should that affect how we live our lives?

Nine years ago, with my sister-in-law's death, my awareness on life changed. I started to ask myself: If I were to die next week, would I feel like I lived a good life? If not, what changes do I need to make? Am I happy with who I am? Can I accept things that I cannot change in my world? Do my actions show my kids that I love them...every day? What can I do to make my relationships more meaningful? Can I stop complaining about the small stuff and appreciate what I have? What choices in my life will make me and my family happy?

Some people believe that we shouldn't change the way we live because we fear dying. I don't fear death. I just fear dying without having lived my best life. So every day, I choose happiness and try live my best life. And hopefully, I'll live to be 100 and I'll look back without regret, knowing that I did my best.

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