Wednesday, July 8, 2009

From Sheltered to Lord of the Flies

The small bit of culture shock that I'm experiencing is how differently kids play when they are in large groups and unsupervised. It reminds me of books I've read about the 50s. Kids get together in the park or spare lot, pick up games are created, kids disagree, kids fight, kids continue to play, the groups of kids playing changes as the day goes on, and everyone goes home by dark. That's kind of what it's like here at Campus Village.

Today my kids were running with a pack of about 8 kids. All over the neighborhood. Mixed ages (4-12), boys and girls. Making up games, playing old ones like "Simon Says" and having a great time. I love that our kids are free to roam and play without worry here!

But it is not without some worry of my own. I just had to close my windows because a group of other kids have been playing what they call the "fighting game" out on the playground. They are all there willingly, but it is pretty rough and tumble. If you stumbled onto it, you would think that they are really fighting. It pushes me to the edge of what I'm comfortable with...

So I take a little bit of bad with the good....and I'm thankful that my kids can run on the blacktop and have some fun!

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