Monday, December 28, 2009

Convenience and Choices

I walk into Safeway, after driving the short 5 minutes from my parents' house. I am overwhelmed by the hundreds of things that I could have for prep...huge variety...the deli counter...the Chinese(-American) food counter...frozen foods (so many I could have a different one every night for 6 months)...the bakery...the salad bar...and all the "regular" food too. America really is the land of convenience.

America is also the land of choices...21 McDonalds within 5 miles of our homebase in Southern California....7 Costcos within 10 miles...11 Mexican restaurants within 1 mile. Really. In China it takes me 30 minutes to drive to the one McD's. Huge contrast.

Home leave has left me with the renewed passion for living simply and a bit conflicted over how much I like the convenience of convenience food. Cooking from scratch in China is sometimes fun and sometimes a drag. There are days that I wish that I could just run out for quick food...even though I know that homemade is healthier.

Home leave has also proven to me that there are lots of things I can live without. That I really don't miss things as much as I thought I did.

So, tomorrow we head back to China. Back to the land of inconvenience and Betty Crocker.

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