When we moved in, there was a dirt field between our house and the school. Now we have a playing field and track! Yesterday there were about 15 adults playing soccer, about 20 kids playing soccer and about 10 other people playing or running!
Our family has enjoyed playing football, soccer and baseball in the past few weeks. In Portland, we used to play in the street and stop every time a car came by - but here we can play without interruption. It's been very fun!
I have been working out there - running intervals or stairs, walking and doing push-ups on the wall. One day Kiana was my personal trainer - she is tough! I'm trying to enjoy outdoor workouts while I still can. While the past few days have been beautiful weather, we've had a taste of what a cold, windy winter will be like as well. The cold is tolerable, the wind is intense!
Here are some pictures of the construction of the field. It is an artificial surface laid over concrete with little rubber pellets for cushioning. It also has nice pathways around the field that the kids walk across to go to school.
Leveling the dirt:
Smoothing the concrete surface:
Laying the surface:
The path to school - the construction on the right is the new gym and pool (hopefully it will be finished while we are still here!). This is taken from my bathroom window - so the kids have a very quick walk to school.
PS. Kevin just played for a little bit with the Taiwanese softball league (mostly adult men). Very friendly and fun game!
Hi Debi,
I spoke with you in August re the brown sugar lumps (hehe) and I wanted to touch base with you again. We are going to be arriving in very early January, won't be living at campus (bummer) but the new track field looks great! I wish they'd hurry up with the pool... I love to swim and years without swimming sounds like a real bummer. Not sure if it will make any difference to us living in Yosemite, but it would be nice. There will be a huge influx of new people arriving... it is interesting to read your blog as I can safely say it foreshadows my own experience well I'm sure.
You won't have to live without - there are other places to swim nearby. Some people have been swimming at the convention center at the west end of golden pebble beach and others at Inn Fine gym. I know there are other places...when you arrive, there will be lots of people here to help you find where to go! Looking forward to meeting you in person :)
Hello, I had written you back via the email I had gotten back in Aug and now I realize you'd never gotten it! I am slow, but now I see that those are no-reply emails lol
Glad to hear there are a couple options for swimming. I am going to be trying to stay up really late tonight so I can call the school. I really need to talk to someone there, but the business hours in China are the sleeping hours in Oregon!!!
Our kids are 15 (girl) and 10&8 (boys). Right now in 10th, 5th, and 3rd grades.
Slow here again, I just realized I was thinking Ireland time... we moved back from there in July. Looks like morning is coming soon there actually... I've lived in too many time zones this year!!
cehrabehra - you can email me at debivmb@gmail.com
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