Thursday, August 20, 2009


Well, it's clear to me that I need some purpose in my life! When I stopped working last year to prepare for the move, I kind of had a hint that I would miss working. But, I was so busy with the prep to move, I had plenty to keep me busy. Even though before I stopped, I wasn't working that much, it was enough to keep me happy.

Now that we are here and settled and the kids are in school until 4pm, I know that I'll need to find something to do on a regular basis. Now, I actually have plenty to do - or plenty of options of things to do - yoga, working out, reading, shopping, cooking, painting class, Chinese lessons, etc. But what I'm missing is cleaning the toilets (ha ha). No, what I'm missing is doing something that helps other people. There is no doubt that public health was the right profession for me! I need to help people to feel like I've contributed to some greater good in my day.

In the past week, I've been helping in the school library. It's satisfying to take boxes of books and put order to the room. I'm just a helper bee, they have a great librarian and assistant librarian. I've always thought I'd love to be a librarian or work in a bookstore...It is FUN!

So while this isn't helping people who have a great need, it is still helping out and it feels good!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It sounds like fun to me!