Saturday, July 18, 2009

Missing Easy Eating

Well, I just finished torturing myself again....I made cookies....the end result - cookies - are good...but it is torture to not be able to eat the cookie dough. I guess I didn't think about how much I LOVE cookie dough, until I wasn't able to eat it....although, I should have guessed as there have been times that I have made cookies, but never baked them - only ate the dough!

That's one of the hard parts about living here, the uncertainty of the safety of food. For example, when we were at pizza, I really wanted to order their salad. But then I had to run through the pros and cons in my head (pros - haven't had salad in 4 weeks, I love salad, this is a clean restaurant, restaurant run by westerner; cons - don't know how well they washed the lettuce, don't know how they stored the dressing, don't like to throw up).

In the end, I skipped the salad. But we are faced with those decisions on a regular basis. Because I see how often foods are not refrigerated in China, and the lack of cleanliness that we are used to, it is hard for me to get past that and eat anyway. It's hard to know so much about food safety, maybe it would be easier if I weren't a nutritionist. There are many people here who just go for it, and eat it all. It'll be awhile before I'm that brave.

It's also hard because eating out (right now) means new menus and new foods, instead of old familiar dishes. So while going to a restaurant is fun, it is also a bit of work.

We all miss the simplicity of going through Taco Bell drive thru...


Anonymous said...

You'll have to start making a list of where you want to eat/what you want to eat at Christmas. I know Brenda eats out A LOT when she's home here for the summer...for those same reasons.


Tina Ricks said...

Hi Debi,

I remember this in brief bits of travel in Thailand and Egypt, and we did get roaring sick in Egypt after being assured that the salad veg had been washed "with bottled water." They didn't say by whom (a bunch of Egyptian guys who looked like they hadn't washed in days) or where (on a straw mat on the kitchen floor. I'm not kidding.) I was a firm believer after that of never eating anything that wasn't cooked (preferably in front of me) or that I purchased, washed, and peeled myself.

Good luck! And eat your veg at home after YOU wash it, not someone else. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Brenda and Craig tell me that you'll get over this, eventually. :0)


The Barrs said...

We are going out again tonight...I'm going to stick to the cooked foods...

Anonymous said...

I had the cesar salad at Susan's, I did survive except I have never seen so many anchovies on one plate in my whole life. The owner made another one w/o anchovies. John