Wednesday, May 20, 2009

4 weeks...

Do you believe that your dreams reflect your feelings? I do.

Last night I dreamt that I forgot to change the sheets before Mike's mom came to visit. (This reflects that I'm feeling like I have so many thoughts crammed into my head that I can't remember them all! Thank goodness for lists.)

A few weeks ago I dreamt that I won tickets to see a NBA game - and a weekend stay at a resort to go with it! I was so excited until I realized that the game was June 19...and we leave June 18. (This reflects that I'm feeling like I'm going to be missing things here when I'm gone...)

In the past few days I've told a few people that at times I'm "freaking out" about moving. They were surprised! Apparently I project a calm, organized, public personality, when actually inside, I'm chaos. So if you run into me, see if you can see the freak out underneath the calm!

However, through it all, I do believe that "everything will be ok" (my mantra).

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