1. They took Disneyland (Anaheim) and made it even better. Same quaint layout, but everything just looks newer, nicer and better. When we went to Magic Kingdom (Orlando), we thought that they took Disneyland and made it bigger and uglier. It somehow lost it's Magic in Orlando. Not so in Tokyo. While the walkways are bigger, the Magic is still there. They got the scale just right - big enough to handle a crowd, but small enough to still have the Magic of Disney.
2. Cool bathrooms. Stall doors that have little symbols so you can see from the front of the line which stalls are occupied or vacant. Auto soap & water. And great handryers that dry your hands from BOTH sides at once with a strong blast of air (these hand dryers actually work!). And in every womens bathroom, a mini urinal for little boys. And did I mention before how clean they were????
3. Polite parade audience. People lined up really early to watch the parades. The good news is that there were lots of good seats. The walkways going toward the hub are downhill, so that if you are sitting way back on that walkway, you can still see. Also, they make everyone sit down and collaspe their strollers, so the view is great. I came late to see the parade and was probably sitting 50 people back along a walkway and I could still see great.
4. Very safety conscious. The ropes they used for the walkways during the nighttime parade had glowsticks attached to them so you could see them better. Also, there are fewer curbs throughout the park which made it easier to walk around in the crowd.
5. It smelled good :) They were selling Honey Popcorn outside Pooh's Hunny Hunt and the entire outside area smelled like honey! Nice!
6. All the rides seemed cleaner, fresher, newer, and improved.
Definitely the best Disney park I've ever been to!